With the release of the IPCC reports, attention was given as to how much of the problem was due to human activity and how much to causes in nature. Which then this report makes predictions of how the course of global warming will run in the future. This report notes many climatic changes that are occurring due to global warming. Some of these are changes in the make-up of the atmosphere, warming of the earth, and changes in ice, snow and permafrost.
Also included were notes about the different amounts of rainfall and flooding, along with the frequency of drought. Different models were given of the course global warming would take in the next century. The models were run using different scenarios.
They all turned out somewhat different. However, they all indicated significant global warming. The IPCC's report is a lengthy study into the nature of global warming.
It covers the past, the current situation, and predictions about the future. Then, it proceeds to discuss ways to curb global warming. It is an important document, and it should be read by anyone interested in global warming. Movies on global warming from the IPCC reports The 60 Minutes documentary, The Age of Warming, which aired April 1, 2007, is a must-see for those interested in global warming. In it, correspondent Scott Pelley explores Antarctica to find evidence of global warming. There, Pelley finds that the Adelie and Chinstrap penguins are being endangered by loss of habitat.
He also finds glaciers that are in the process of rapid melting into lakes. It is an eye opener. Not exactly a traditional movie, Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris' Crisis as Opportunity: Living Better on a Hotter Planet is unique.
Instead of being distraught and woeful, Sahtouris views global warming as a natural evolutionary process. She sees it as a beneficial challenge that will help people learn to live together as they never have before. Many celebrities have made their own movies on global warming. Some of them are not available for viewing yet, and some of them can be seen on the internet.
One example is global warming films by Leonardo DiCaprio that can be viewed on his website. As the reality of global warming sets in, more movies will certainly deal with the subject.
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